Thursday, August 21, 2008

Truth or Dare

How would your mother ((parents)) describe you in one word?
el7nana loooool
What is youe favorite flower?
What is the most insane question you've ever been asked?
Can i borrow your Car
looool 7saweya

What word in the English or Arabic language do you wish you had invented?
Arabic: همبه mango
English: Magic
Where do you like to live?
My country Kuwait ((الوطن ماله مثيل))
What is the first famous quote that comes to your mind?
اهم اثنين
1-اللي في الجدر يطلعه الملاس
2-ماكل مايتمناه المرء يدركه تجري الرياح بما لاتشتهي السفن
What do you miss about your childhood?
Our old house in s9a7 elsalem

What animal best describes the kind of guy or girl you'd be interested in?
Lion : strong
Tiger : fast
Monkey : funny
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I will never change my name
How would you describe your handshake in one word?
Soft loooool
What is the main fault in your character?
Worried about everything

Who is your favorite historical figure?
What in the world do you least desire?
If you met the right guy or girl today, would you propose tomorrow?
No,today is today
Why do you think most guys or girls like you?
Cause i'm friendly and smart
looool واثقه

Finish this sentence:"Happiness is a thing called..."

please answer

""From bazaar magazine""


kuwaitawy said...

nice bost yal7nanaa



حلم جميل بوطن أفضل said...

عفواً بس صورة النعل شنو علاقتها بالموضوع؟

ممكن تمر سلف؟

kuwaitya_7saweya said...

حلم جميل بوطن أفضل:
صورة النعل هذي صورة غلاف للمجله اللي انا ناقله الموضوع منها

لا مو ممكن :(

ولد الديرة said...

الكلمة اللي كان ودي اخترعها

هي كلمتين في الحقيقة

ثجيل طينة


وراج قلبتي عنقريزي

kuwaitya_7saweya said...

ولد الديرة:
تصدق قويه ثجيل طينه
تحس لها قيمه

عنقريزي عشان انوع يعني مايصير كله عربي

charisma said...

مبارك عليج الشهر
ومن عواده ان شاءالله

kuwaitya_7saweya said...

علينا وعليج
اجمعين يارب